The Parent order is - Malvales

Woody Family Bombacaceae

Data on a chosen woody family known under an order

Common Names - Synonyms -
Authority - KunthTotal Number of genera - 30
Gymnosperm or Angiosperm? - AngiospermTotal Number of species - 250
Plant forms - Tree
World Distribution - Sub-tropical to tropical. Widespread, especially America
Comments - Has commercial wood., All are trees. Many species grow to become large trees, with Ceiba pentandra the tallest, reaching a height to 70 m. Several of the genera are commercially important, producing timber, edible fruit or useful fibres. The family is noted for some of the softest hardwoods commercially traded, especially Balsa, Ochroma lagopus.

Woody Genera of Bombacaceae

Each link leads to more information on the chosen botanical families

1 - Adansonia.
2 - Bernoullia.
3 - Bombacopsis.
4 - Bombax.
5 - Boschia.
6 - Catostemma.
7 - Cavanillesia.
8 - Ceiba.
9 - Chorisia.
10 - Coelostegia.
11 - Cullenia.
12 - Cumingia.
13 - Durio.
14 - Eriodendron.
15 - Eriotheca.
16 - Gossampinus.
17 - Gyranthera.
18 - Hampea.
19 - Huberodendron.
20 - Matisia.
21 - Nessia.
22 - Ochroma.
23 - Pachira.
24 - Patinoa.
25 - Phragmotheca.
26 - Pochota.
27 - Pseudobombax.
28 - Quararibea.
29 - Rhodognaphalon.
30 - Roschia.
31 - Salmalia.
32 - Scleronema.
33 - Spirotehca.

End of Listing Woody Families of Bombacaceae