The Parent order is - Myrtales

Woody Family Myrtaceae

Data on a chosen woody family known under an order

Common Names - Myrtle FamilySynonyms -
Authority - Juss.Total Number of genera - 150
Gymnosperm or Angiosperm? - AngiospermTotal Number of species - 5650
Plant forms - Tree/Shrub
World Distribution - Tropical, warm areas & temperate zones of Australia. Tropical and warm-temperate regions of the world, There is timber in Corymbia & Eucalyptus
Comments - Recent estimates suggest that Myrtaceae has over 5650 species (Govaerts et al. 2008), occurring in some 130-150 genera. All species are woody, with essential oils

Woody Genera of Myrtaceae

Each link leads to more information on the chosen botanical families

1 - Acca.
2 - Acicalyptus.
3 - Acmena.
4 - Acmenosperma.
5 - Agonis.
6 - Amomis.
7 - Anamomis.
8 - Angophora.
9 - Anomyrtus.
10 - Aphanomyrtus.
11 - Archirhodomyrtus.
12 - Aulomyrcia.
13 - Austromyrtus.
14 - Backhousia.
15 - Baeckea.
16 - Baekia.
17 - Callistemon.
18 - Calothamnus.
19 - Calycolpus.
20 - Calycorectes.
21 - Calyptranthes.
22 - Campomanesia.
23 - Careya.
24 - Choricarpia.
25 - Cleistocalyx.
26 - Cloezia.
27 - Corymbia.
28 - Decaspermum.
29 - Eucalyptopsis.
30 - Eucalyptus.
31 - Eugenia.
32 - Feijoa.
33 - Gomidesia.
34 - Hexachlamys.
35 - Jambosa.
36 - Kania.
37 - Kunzea.
38 - Leptospermum.
39 - Lindsayomyrtus.
40 - Lophostemon.
41 - Lysicarpus.
42 - Marlierea.
43 - Marlieriopsis.
44 - Melaleuca.
45 - Metrosideros.
46 - Mitranthes.
47 - Mozartia.
48 - Myrceugenia.
49 - Myrcia.
50 - Myrcianthes.
51 - Myrciaria.
52 - Myrrhinium.
53 - Myrtus.
54 - Nothomyrcia.
55 - Osbornia.
56 - Phyllocalyx.
57 - Pimenta.
58 - Pleurocalyptus.
59 - Plinia.
60 - Pseudocaryophyllus.
61 - Psidum.
62 - Rhodamnia.
63 - Rhodomyrtus.
64 - Siphoneugenia.
65 - Sonneratia.
66 - Spermolepis.
67 - Syncarpia.
68 - Syzygium.
69 - Temu.
70 - Thaleropia.
71 - Tristania.
72 - Tristaniopsis.
73 - Waterhousea.
74 - Xanthomyrtus.
75 - Xanthostemon.

End of Listing Woody Families of Myrtaceae