The Parent order is - Rhizophorales

Woody Family Rhizophoraceae

Data on a chosen woody family known under an order

Common Names - Mangrove FamilySynonyms -
Authority - R.Br., Pers.Total Number of genera - 16
Gymnosperm or Angiosperm? - AngiospermTotal Number of species - 120
Plant forms - Tree
World Distribution - Tropical Coasts mostly of the Old World Australia has 3 species. These are woody plants Some species produce wood used for underwater construction or piling.
Comments - Mangrove trees, very salt tolerant. 12 genera with 76 species are trees. Some timber.

Woody Genera of Rhizophoraceae

Each link leads to more information on the chosen botanical families

1 - Anisophyllea.
2 - Anopyxis.
3 - Blepharistemma .
4 - Bruguiera.
5 - Carallia.
6 - Cassipourea.
7 - Ceriops.
8 - Comiphyton.
9 - Crossostylis.
10 - Gynotroches.
11 - Kandelia.
12 - Paradrypetes.
13 - Pellacalyx.
14 - Rhizophora.
15 - Rizophora.
16 - Sterigmapetalum.
17 - Weihea.

End of Listing Woody Families of Rhizophoraceae