The Parent Family is - Fabaceae
Woody Genus Brachystegia
Data on a chosen woody genus known under a chosen family
Common Names - .
Synonyms - .
Authority - . Benth.
Gymnosperm or Angiosperm? Angiosperm
Plant forms -
Total Number of species - 0
World Distribution - Tropical & south central Africa
Comments - Has commercial timbers
Woody Species of Brachystegia
Each link leads to more information on the chosen botanical species
1 - Brachystegia angustistipulata
2 - Brachystegia bakeriana
3 - Brachystegia boehmii
4 - Brachystegia bussei
5 - Brachystegia bussei x microphylla
6 - Brachystegia cynometroides
7 - Brachystegia eurycoma
8 - Brachystegia fleuryana
9 - Brachystegia floribunda
10 - Brachystegia glaucescens
11 - Brachystegia gossweileri
12 - Brachystegia kennedyi
13 - Brachystegia laurentii
14 - Brachystegia leonensis
15 - Brachystegia longifolia
16 - Brachystegia manga
17 - Brachystegia microphylla
18 - Brachystegia mildbraedii
19 - Brachystegia nigerica
20 - Brachystegia puberula
21 - Brachystegia schotia
22 - Brachystegia spiciformis
23 - Brachystegia taxifolia
24 - Brachystegia utilis
25 - Brachystegia wangermeeana
26 - Brachystegia zenkeri
End of Listing for Woody Species of Brachystegia