Common Names - Milkweed Family | Synonyms - |
Authority - R.Br. | Total Number of genera - 348 |
Gymnosperm or Angiosperm? - Angiosperm | Total Number of species - 2900 |
Plant forms - Tree/Shrub/Liane/Herb | |
World Distribution - Warm & tropical areas, esp. Africa Tropics to subtropics, especially in Africa and South America. | |
Comments - Climbers & herbs, rarely shrubby or trees |
1 - Asclepias. 2 - Calotropis. 3 - Funastrum. 4 - Gymnema. 5 - Marsdenia. 6 - Matelea. 7 - Metastelma. 8 - Sarcostemma. 9 - Streptocaulon. |