The Parent order is - Arecales

Woody Family Palmae

Data on a chosen woody family known under an order

Common Names - Palm FamilySynonyms -
Authority - Juss.Total Number of genera - 217
Gymnosperm or Angiosperm? - AngiospermTotal Number of species - 2800
Plant forms - Tree
World Distribution - Tropical and warm areas (with few in Africa). Palms are among the best known and extensively cultivated plant families. They have been important to humans throughout much of history..
Comments - Some timbers in some Palms. Palms have vascular bundles but no growth rings.

Woody Genera of Palmae

Each link leads to more information on the chosen botanical families

1 - Acoelorraphe.
2 - Acrocomia.
3 - Adonidia.
4 - Ancistrophyllum.
5 - Archontophoenix.
6 - Areca.
7 - Arecastrum = Syagrus.
8 - Arenga.
9 - Arikuryroba = Syagrus.
10 - Astrocaryum.
11 - Attalea.
12 - Bactris.
13 - Bismarckia.
14 - Borassus.
15 - Brahea.
16 - Brahea.
17 - Butia.
18 - Calamus.
19 - Calyptocalyx.
20 - Calyptrogyne.
21 - Caryota.
22 - Catoblastus.
23 - Ceroxylon.
24 - Chamaedorea.
25 - Chamaerops.
26 - Chrysalidocarpus.
27 - Coccothrinax.
28 - Cocos.
29 - Copernicia.
30 - Corypha.
31 - Crysophila.
32 - Daemonorops.
33 - Desmoncus.
34 - Drymophloeus.
35 - Elaeis.
36 - Eremospatha.
37 - Erythea.
38 - Eupritchardia.
39 - Euterpe.
40 - Gaussia.
41 - Geonoma.
42 - Guilielma.
43 - Hemithrinax.
44 - Heterospathe.
45 - Howea.
46 - Hydriastele.
47 - Hyphaene.
48 - Iguanura.
49 - Iriartea.
50 - Jessenia.
51 - Juania.
52 - Laccosperma.
53 - Licuala.
54 - Livistona.
55 - Manicaria.
56 - Marurita.
57 - Mauritia.
58 - Nenga.
59 - Neodypsis.
60 - Neoveitchia.
61 - Nephrosperma.
62 - Normanbya.
63 - Oenocarpus.
64 - Oncosperma.
65 - Oreodoxa.
66 - Phoenix.
67 - Pinanga.
68 - Prestoea.
69 - Pritchardia.
70 - Raphia.
71 - Reinhardtia.
72 - Rhopalostylis.
73 - Rhopalostylus.
74 - Roystonea.
75 - Saba.
76 - Sabal.
77 - Scheelea.
78 - Serenoa.
79 - Socrates.
80 - Synechanthus.
81 - Tessmaniophoenix.
82 - Thrinax.
83 - Trachycarpus.
84 - Veitchia.
85 - Verschaffeltia.
86 - Wallichia.
87 - Washingtonia.
88 - Welfia.
89 - Wettinia.
90 - Wodyetia.
91 - Zombia.

End of Listing Woody Families of Palmae