The Parent order is - Proteales

Woody Family Proteaceae

Data on a chosen woody family known under an order

Common Names - Synonyms -
Authority - Juss.Total Number of genera - 77
Gymnosperm or Angiosperm? - AngiospermTotal Number of species - 1600
Plant forms - Evergreen Trees, Shrubs, Herbs
World Distribution - In tropical and sub tropical climates, esp. in Southern Hemisphere (Most in Australia and S. Africa) Temperate to tropical. Pantropical and warm, mainly requiring a long dry season.
Comments - Under order Proteales

Woody Genera of Proteaceae

Each link leads to more information on the chosen botanical families

1 - Adenanthos.
2 - Adenostephanus.
3 - Agastachys.
4 - Alloxylon.
5 - Athertonia.
6 - Banksia.
7 - Beauprea.
8 - Bleasdalea.
9 - Buckinghamia.
10 - Cardwellia.
11 - Carnarvonia.
12 - Cenarrhenes.
13 - Darlingia.
14 - Dilobeia.
15 - Dryandra.
16 - Embothrium.
17 - Euplassa.
18 - Faurea.
19 - Finschia.
20 - Floydia.
21 - Gevuina.
22 - Grevillea.
23 - Guevina.
24 - Hakea.
25 - Halea.
26 - Helicia.
27 - Heliciopsis.
28 - Hicksbeachia.
29 - Kermadecia.
30 - Knightia.
31 - Lambertia.
32 - Leucadendron.
33 - Leucospermum.
34 - Lomatia.
35 - Macadamia.
36 - Musgravea.
37 - Neorites.
38 - Opisthiolepis.
39 - Oreocallis.
40 - Orites.
41 - Panopsis.
42 - Persoonia.
43 - Protea.
44 - Roupala.
45 - Sphalmium.
46 - Stenocarpus.
47 - Telopea.
48 - Xylomelum.

End of Listing Woody Families of Proteaceae