The Parent order is - Rubiales

Woody Family Rubiaceae

Data on a chosen woody family known under an order

Common Names - Madder or Coffee FamilySynonyms -
Authority - Juss.Total Number of genera - 611
Gymnosperm or Angiosperm? - AngiospermTotal Number of species - 13143
Plant forms - Tree/Shrub/Liane/Herb
World Distribution - Most parts of the world, esp. tropical & warm areas Although Rubiaceae are found on in every major region of the world except for continental Antarctica (which has only two species of vascular plants), diversity is highest in the humid tropics. The pattern of diversity in the family is very similar to the global distribution of plant diversity. The greatest number of species occur in Colombia, Venezuela and New Guinea. When adjusted for area, Venezuela was the most diverse, followed by Colombia and Cuba.[2] A large number of poorly studied species exist as understorey shrubs in Madagascar and are threatened with habitat destruction.[3]
Comments - Same as Naucleaceae. Also under Rubiales. Trees, shrubs, lianes and few herbs. While shrubs are most common, members of the family can also be trees, lianas or herbs

Woody Genera of Rubiaceae

Each link leads to more information on the chosen botanical families

1 - Acrosynanthus.
2 - Adinauclea.
3 - Alberta.
4 - Ancylanthos.
5 - Antirrhea.
6 - Aoranthe.
7 - Argocoffeopsis.
8 - Atractocarpus.
9 - Atractogyne.
10 - Belonophora.
11 - Brickellia.
12 - Calochone.
13 - Canephora.
14 - Catunaregam.
15 - Chalazocarpus.
16 - Chassalia.
17 - Chazaliella.
18 - Chimarrhis.
19 - Chione.
20 - Ciliosemina.
21 - Cinchona.
22 - Cladostemon.
23 - Colletoecema.
24 - Cordiera.
25 - Cuviera.
26 - Cyclophyllum.
27 - Dendrosipanea.
28 - Didymosalpinx.
29 - Dinocanthium.
30 - Dioecrescis.
31 - Euclinia.
32 - Fadogia.
33 - Fagerlindia.
34 - Feretia.
35 - Gardenia.
36 - Geophila.
37 - Gyrostipula.
38 - Haldina.
39 - Hallea.
40 - Hedythyrsus.
41 - Heinsenia.
42 - Hintonia.
43 - Isertia.
44 - Jackiopsis.
45 - Kailarsenia.
46 - Keetia.
47 - Larsenaika.
48 - Leptactina.
49 - Macrosphyra.
50 - Massularia.
51 - Metrodorea.
52 - Mussaendopsis.
53 - Neblinathamnus.
54 - Neorosea.
55 - Nernstia.
56 - Ochreinauclea.
57 - Pagameopsis.
58 - Pamplethantha.
59 - Paracoffea.
60 - Pauridiantha.
61 - Pertusadina.
62 - Pseudosabicea.
63 - Rosenbergiodendron.
64 - Rytigynia.
65 - Sarcocephalus.
66 - Sickingia.
67 - Simira.
68 - Sphinctanthus.
69 - Warscewiczia.
70 - Wiegmannia.
71 - Xeromphis.

End of Listing Woody Families of Rubiaceae