The Parent order is - Malvales

Woody Family Tiliaceae

Data on a chosen woody family known under an order

Common Names - Linden or Lime FamilySynonyms -
Authority - Juss.Total Number of genera - 50
Gymnosperm or Angiosperm? - AngiospermTotal Number of species - 680
Plant forms - Trees, shrubs, rarely herbs
World Distribution - Subcosmopolitan
Comments - Tiliaceae is a botanical name for a family of flowering plants. Such a family is not part of APG II, but it is found all through the botanical literature and remains prominently listed by nomenclatural databases such as IPNI. Timbers in Apeiba, Berrya, Entelea, Luehea, Pentace, Schoutenia, Tilia. 50 genera with 425 species are trees.

Woody Genera of Tiliaceae

Each link leads to more information on the chosen botanical families

1 - Althoffia.
2 - Antholoma.
3 - Apeiba.
4 - Belotia.
5 - Berrya.
6 - Brownlowia.
7 - Carpodiptera.
8 - Christiana.
9 - Cistanthera.
10 - Colona.
11 - Corchorus.
12 - Diplanthemum.
13 - Diplodiscus.
14 - Duboscia.
15 - Echinocarpus.
16 - Entelea.
17 - Goethalsia.
18 - Graeffea.
19 - Grewia.
20 - Heliocarpus.
21 - Leuheopsis.
22 - Luehea.
23 - Lueheopsis.
24 - Microcos.
25 - Mollia.
26 - Mortoniodendron.
27 - Pentace.
28 - Pentaplaris.
29 - Schoutenia.
30 - Sparmannia.
31 - Tilia.
32 - Trichospermum.
33 - Triumfetta.
34 - Westphalina.

End of Listing Woody Families of Tiliaceae