Commercial Woods
Pick Species by Alphabet
All botanical names are linked to their data sheets
You picked letter E
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1 - . - .
Eustigma oblongifolium
2 - . - .
Erythrophleum micranthum
3 - .= - .
Ehretia laevis
4 - .Aba - .
Erythrophleum ivorense
5 - .African blackwood - .
Erythrophleum africanum
6 - .Akakarie - .
Eschweilera subglandulosa
7 - .alpine ash - .
Eucalyptus gigantea
8 - .Alpine ash, Woollybutt, Delegate, Tasmanian Oak, Alpine Ash, Mountain-Ash, Stringybark - .
Eucalyptus delegatensis
9 - .Alui - .
Erythrophleum guineense
10 - .Aranj - .
Eriolaena candollei
11 - .Australian hickory, Spotted Gum - .
Eucalyptus maculata
12 - .Australian Mountain Ash - .
Eucalyptus regnans
13 - .Australian silky oak, Swamp Mahogany - .
Eucalyptus robusta
14 - .Australian Southern Mahogany, Bangalay Blackbutt - .
Eucalyptus botryoides
15 - .Baixio - .
Elaeoluma glabrescens
16 - .Bartaballi - .
Ecclinusa guianensis
17 - .Bartaballi - .
Ecclinusa spp
18 - .Baru bukit, Sesendok, Sendok - .
Endospermum malaccense
19 - .Bastard Mahogany, Narrowleaf White Stringbark - .
Eucalyptus umbra
20 - .Belian, Borneo Ironwood, Ulin - .
Eusideroxylon zwageri
21 - .Black ironbark, Grey Ironbark - .
Eucalyptus paniculata
22 - .Blackbutt - .
Eucalyptus pilularis
23 - .Blackrodwood, Coralillo - .
Eugenia biflora
24 - .Bluegum - .
Eucalyptus globulus
25 - .Bolanchin - .
Eriobotrya bengalensis
26 - .Bonewood, Pink Ooline - .
Emmenosperma alphitonioides
27 - .Bowen Ironbark, Grey Ironbark - .
Eucalyptus drepanophylla
28 - .Briarwood - .
Erica arborea
29 - .Broad-leaved Red Ironbark, Blue/ Red Broadleaf Ironbark - .
Eucalyptus fibrosa
30 - .Broadleaf Ribbon Gum, Mountain Gum - .
Eucalyptus dalrympleana
31 - .Brown mallet - .
Eucalyptus astringens
32 - .Cannon's Red Stringbark - .
Eucalyptus macrorhyncha
33 - .Cape ash, Dog Plum - .
Ekebergia capensis
34 - .Ceibo - .
Erythrina falcata
35 - .Cempaka - .
36 - .Chak Sab Che, Burada - .
Exostema mexicanum
37 - .Coastal Grey Box - .
Eucalyptus bosistoana
38 - .Cocaine tree - .
Erythroxylum amazonicum
39 - .Cockspur - .
Erythrina crista-galli
40 - .Coco de mono - .
Eschweilera tenax
41 - .coolibah tree - .
Eucalyptus microtheca
42 - .Darwin Stringybark, Darwin Messmate - .
Eucalyptus tetrodonta
43 - .Deglupta,Mendenao Gum, Kamarere - .
Eucalyptus deglupta
44 - .Dungku - .
Elateriospermum tapos
45 - .Elm - .
Eucryphia cordifolia
46 - .False Olive; bois d'olive (French) - .
Elaeodendron orientale
47 - .Forest Red Gum - .
Eucalyptus tereticornis
48 - .Ghost gum, Desert gum, Drooping white gum, Carbeen, Cabbage Gum, Molloy White Gum Puddingwood, Sugar Gum, Tropical Gum, Willow Gum, Pudding Gum Many local names - .
Eucalyptopsis papuana
49 - .Gimlet - .
Eucalyptus salubris
50 - .Grey Gum - .
Eucalyptus punctata
51 - .Grey Gum, Small Fruited Grey Gum - .
Eucalyptus propinqua
52 - .Guanacaste, Tubroos, Guanacaste - .
Enterolobium cyclocarpum
53 - .Gubas - .
Endospermum spp
54 - .Gubas - .
Endospermum peltatum
55 - .Gum Topped Peppermint, New England Blackbutt - .
Eucalyptus andrewsii
56 - .Gumtop Box, Grey Box - .
Eucalyptus moluccana
57 - .Hminkya, Kaya-hmwe, Kyeng-lwai, Mai-lim, Taw-magyi - .
Elaeocarpus robustus
58 - .Indio - .
Erythroxylum areolatum
59 - .Ironbark - .
Eucalyptus longifolia
60 - .Ironbark - .
Eucalyptus sideroxylon
61 - .Ironbark, Shining Gum - .
Eucalyptus nitens
62 - .Jarrah - .
Eucalyptus marginata
63 - .Karri, Karrie - .
Eucalyptus diversicolor
64 - .Khanakpa - .
Evodia fraxinifolia
65 - .Landa - .
Erythroxylum mannii
66 - .Large-fruited red Mahogany - .
Eucalyptus pellita
67 - .Lemon Scented Gum, Spotted Gum - .
Eucalyptus citriodora
68 - .Literature reports no common name - .
Erythrina abyssinica
69 - .Loquat - .
Eriobotrya japonica
70 - .Malagangia - .
Eusideroxylon melagangai
71 - .Manna gum - .
Eucalyptus viminalis
72 - .Marri - .
Eucalyptus calophylla
73 - .Messmate stringybark - .
Eucalyptus obliqua
74 - .Mountain Grey Gum, Cypellocarpa, Bloekom - .
Eucalyptus cypellocarpa
75 - .Narrow Leaved White Mahogany - .
Eucalyptus tenuipes
76 - .narrow-leaved red Ironbark - .
Eucalyptus crebra
77 - .New England Blackbutt, Gum-topped Peppermint - .
Eucalyptus campanulata
78 - .New Guinea Basswood, kwara'ae - .
Endospermum medullosum
79 - .No common name found - .
Endlicheria multiflora
80 - .No common name found - .
Endiandra sp.
81 - .No common name found - .
Endlicheria lhotzkyi
82 - .No common name found - .
Endodesmia calophylloides
83 - .No common name found - .
Enterolobium maximum
84 - .No common name found - .
Eriotheca crassa
85 - .No common name found - .
Eschweilera wachenheimii
86 - .Northern Grey Ironbark - .
Eucalyptus siderophloia
87 - .Omu - .
Entandrophragma candollei
88 - .Pau Amarello, Brazil Satinwood - .
Euxylophora paraensis
89 - .Pipli Tree, Malayan aspen - .
Exbucklandia populnea
90 - .Poplar gum, Ampupu, White Gum - .
Eucalyptus alba
91 - .punga de altura, - .
Eriotheca globosa
92 - .Queensland walnut - .
Endiandra palmerstonii
93 - .Red Messmate, Stringybark, Red Mahogany, Bloodwood - .
Eucalyptus resinifera
94 - .Red River Gum, Murray Red Gum - .
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
95 - .Red Tuart - .
Eucalyptus gomphocephala
96 - .Rose Gum, Flooded Gum - .
Eucalyptus grandis
97 - .Russian Olive - .
Eleagnus angustifolia
98 - .Sapele - .
Entandrophragma cylindricum
99 - .Sendok Sendok - .
Endospermum diadenum
100 - .Silver Dollar Gum, Red Box - .
Eucalyptus polyanthemos
101 - .Silvertop Ash, Black Ash - .
Eucalyptus sieberi
102 - .Silvertop Stringybark - .
Eucalyptus laevopinea
103 - .Small-leaved Stringybark, Wilkenson Thinleaf Stringybark - .
Eucalyptus eugenioides
104 - .Soft Wallaba, Common Wallaba - .
Eperua falcata
105 - .Sugar Gum, Suikerbloekom - .
Eucalyptus cladocalyx
106 - .Sydney Blue Gum - .
Eucalyptus saligna
107 - .Tali - .
Erythrophleum suaveolens
108 - .Tallowwood - .
Eucalyptus microcorys
109 - .Thillai, milky mangrove, blind-your-eye mangrove and river poison tree - .
Excoecaria agallocha
110 - .Timbauba - .
Enterolobium schomburgkii
111 - .Timbo - .
Enterolobium contortisiliquum
112 - .Tumbledown Gum, Tumbledown Red Gum, Red Gum, Silver Gum, Baradine Gum - .
Eucalyptus dealbata
113 - .Utile - .
Entandrophragma utile
114 - .Wallaba, Yeboko - .
Eperua rubiginosa
115 - .Wando - .
Eucalyptus wandoo
116 - .Wau Beech - .
Elmerrillia mollis
117 - .White Ash, White Mountain Ash, Witessebloekom - .
Eucalyptus fraxinoides
118 - .White Mahogany, Narrow Leaf White Mahogany, Blue-leaved Stringybark - .
Eucalyptus acmenioides
119 - .Whitewood - .
Endospermum moluccanum
120 - .Wild Cherry, Plum Rose - .
Eugenia patrisii
121 - .Yate - .
Eucalyptus cornuta
122 - .Yellow basket-willow, huang qi - .
Engelhardia roxburghiana
123 - .Yellow Gum - .
Eucalyptus leucoxylon
124 - .Yellow Stringybark - .
Eucalyptus muelleriana
125 - .??? Cher (Marathi), Kadve bende (Kannada), ????? ????? Jangli-bhendi (Hindi - .
Erinocarpus nimmonii
End of Listing for All Woody Species starting with E